Sunday, April 3, 2016

Research Report

In this post, I will provide 10 sources that will contribute to my project.
Source 1:

This foundation has its own official website and several links to where it receives its information. Kaiser operates primarily with funds earned from managing its own endowment argumented by support provided by external funders.

Host: Youtube

Target audience: After watching the entire video, it seems slightly biased and is in favor of ObamaCare. The target audience is any American who is confused on ObamaCare and its purpose.

Main Purpose: The main purpose of this video is to inform Americans on how ObamaCare will change the way they get healthcare. It is biased in favor of democrats.
Important contextual details:

This is a reliable source because the Kaiser Family Foundation is a widely known youtube channel; the first thing that I read when going to this page was, “Filling the need for trusted information on health.” The Kaiser Family Foundation is a nonprofit organization that leads in health policy analysis, journalism, and polling.

Additionally, I found this youtube video on several different websites that are focused on ObamaCare. For example, this article led me to this specific youtube video

Source 2:

Author: Cal Thomas
Cal Thomas is America's most widely syndicated op-ed columnist, appearing in more than 500 national newspapers. He is also a veteran of broadcast and print journalism, making him a reliable candidate for this project. 

Host: Fox News

Target Audience: This video is very republican favored. It talks about the cons of this healthcare system and the target audience is most likely republicans. 

Main Purpose: The main purpose of this video is to convince its viewers that ObamaCare is not a good healthcare system.

This is a reliable source because fox news is known to be the most trusted national news channel, according to Washington post.  

Source 3:

Author: Lou Dobbs
Lou Dobbs works for Fox News and is the host of Lou Dobbs Tonight, which is a primetime program featuring a breakdown of the day’s top stories and how they impact the economy. He is also a credible author because he served as a chief economist correspondent, managing editor, and executive vice president for CNN.

Host: YouTube

Target Audience: This video is also republican favored and focuses on how ObamaCare will effect the middle class of America.

Main Purpose: The main purpose of this video is to convince the audience that ObamaCare will hurt several American financially due to the huge changes in health care. It is only beneficial for very poor people and elderly people, which is not really the majority of the country.

This is a reliable source because fox news is known to be the most trusted national news channel, as mentioned in source 2. 

Source 4:

Dana Blanton is a credible author because she is the vice president of Fox News channel and has done several news stories that focus on economics. 

Host: Fox News

Target Audience: This video focuses on the negative impact that raised taxes have had on Americans due to ObamaCare. The target audience is mainly American citizens and politicians familiar with this topic.

Main Purpose: The main purpose of this video is to explain to the viewers that the increased tax costs have discouraged several entrepreneurs and business owners to continue working, thus bringing the economy down. 

This is a reliable source because fox news is known to be the most trusted nation news channel. 

Source 5:

Kimberly Amadeo is a reliable author because she is known to clarify economic and business news. She explains how these trends affect you and the steps youneed to take so you can profit now. She is also the author of “The Ultimare ObamaCare Handbook: A Definitive Guide to Your Benefits, Rights, Responsibilities, and Potential Pitfalls.”


Target Audience: The target audience is any American who is confused on the structure of ObamaCare, its purpose, and how it will effect them.

Main Purpose: The main purpose of this video is to simply explain ObamaCare, who will suffer from it and who will benefit from it.

This source is credible because there are references posted at the bottom of the page as well as a thorough biography on the author. 

Source 6: 

Author: Carter Evans
Carter Evans is a credible author because he was named a Los Angeles-based correspondent for CBS News in February 2013, reporting across all of the network's platforms. Additionally, he joined CBS News with nearly 20 years of journalism experience, covering major national and international stories.

Host: CBS News

Target Audience: Americans who are not aware of how the Affordable Care Act will effect those whose policies don’t meet the new standards and are forced to have their health plans cancelled.

Main Purpose: The main purpose of this video is to explain how the president’s health care law raises the standards for insurance policies. Natalie Willes buys her own health insurance and found out that her insurance “was going to be completely different and they were going to be replaced with 10 new plans that were going to fall under the regulations of the Affordable Care Act.”

CBS is a credible source because it provides links to information as well as videos with more information on the topic.

Source 7:

Author: I cant find the author but the person being interviews in Dr. Ramin Oskoui CEO, Foxhall Cardiology
Host: Fox News

Target Audience: The target audience for this news report is anyone concerned with the healthcare changes of ObamaCare.

Main Purpose: This doctor talks about how the website for the new healthcare system is poorly made and too confusing that people are giving up on it. There are statistics provided, "35% of voters say that their family will be worse.

This is a reliable source because fox news is known to be the most trusted nation news channel. 

Source 8:

Author: Alison Meyer
Meyer is a credible author because she has written an extensive amount of articles for The Daily Signal and provides several links and references in her posts.

Host: The Daily Signal

Target Audience: Americans who feel overtaxed.

Main Purpose: There is a graph provided that shows the increase of taxes over the first 10 years that will come out to a cost of $502 billion. The chart illustrates the new taxes and and offers a year by year rundown of their annual costs.

The Daily Signal is a credible source because not only does it hyperlink its readers to several different articles and sources but it also provides a page explaining what exactly the Daily Signal is and where it gets its information.  

1 comment:

  1. Research comprises "creative work undertaken on a systematic basis in order to increase the stock of knowledge, including knowledge of humans, culture and society, and the use of this stock of knowledge to devise new applications."It is used to establish or confirm facts, reaffirm the results of previous work, solve new or existing problems, support theorems, or develop new theories. A research project may also be an expansion on past work in the field. Get help for the research check this out. To test the validity of instruments, procedures, or experiments, research may replicate elements of prior projects, or the project as a whole.
