Sunday, April 24, 2016

Revised Post to Peer Reviewers

In this post, I will provide my revised fine cut.

Key information about my particular project that I would like my peer reviewers to know is that my main topic is obamacare and why it is not the best solution for America’s increased health insurance costs.

Major issues or weaknesses in the final cut would be whether or not I achieved an emotional appeal. I tried to make my argument personal by talking about how my family was affected by ObamaCare but I am not sure I was successful in doing so.

Major virtues or strengths in the final cut I would day is the editing. I made sure to include music and transitions and videos are perfectly cut to the exact second I wanted them at.

Here is a working hyperlink to the fine cut.


  1. Sofia,
    I think your explanation of how Obamacare affected your family did work. I understood more why you would pick this topic and it helped establish yourself as the author. When you talked about how many people are affected, and included yourself, it made the issue seem very prevalent.

  2. Sofia,
    I really like how you included your personal experience with how Obamacare affected your family, however, I would have liked to hear more about how it affected you. Overall, very well done and a lot of good information included!

