Sunday, April 17, 2016

Peer Review for Emily Bond

I peer reviewed Emily Bond’s QRG “The Kids Aren’t Alright,” which can be found here. I decided to make a form suggestion, since I chose to create a QRG in my last project. I think that this QRG is very well formatted.

The rough cut uses appropriate genre conventions, like subtitles in the form of rhetorical questions. These questions helped my follow the argument without getting confused on the importance of certain paragraphs. Additionally, she includes pictures that give me a better idea of the situation.

I think that if Emily is hoping to make her QRG more creative, she could mess around with different fonts and sizes. Maybe she could use an emotional appeal by making important statements in large font sizes and bold them. Just an idea! Overall, I think she is off to a great start, well done Emily.

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