Sunday, April 24, 2016

Reflection on Project 3

In this post, I will reflect on the production phase and how I am feeling about finally submitting my project. 

Some successes of this week, believe it or not, were actually being able to create my video. Before this week I had just been editing my script, but I finally sat down and figured out how to create the actual video.

Some challenges were figuring out what content was crucial to keep and what should be cut out. I didn’t want to seem repetitive and I also didn’t want my video to end up being too long because I would lose my audience’s attention.

I think next week will definitely be less stressful because this project will be turned in by then and I will just be starting project 4.

I am feeling pretty confident with my project because I spent a lot of time making sure everything was exactly how I wanted it to be. I revised and re edited this project more than any other project prior.

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