Sunday, April 24, 2016

Peer Review for Ben Macklin

In this post, I will peer review the content Ben Macklin’s video essay “Drug Addiction.”

I think the rough cut is very well developed. Ben provides evidence for al of his arguments and once it is all put together in a video essay, everything will be very organized.

Ben provides a lot of detail in his argument. I like that he touches on so many different areas of drug addiction and where it originated. This will help the audience understand the issue and possible solution.

Ben uses a handful of credible sources such as videos with Nixon, Reagan, propaganda, and personal stories. This will support his logical appeal to the audience.

Overall, I think Ben is right on track. The only thing I suggest is that he gets started on creating his video since time is becoming of the essence. His script looks perfect in my opinion; now he is ready for production. 

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