Sunday, April 17, 2016

Reflection on Global Revision Process

In this post, I will discuss my reflection on the global revision process this week.

Some successes during this week’s process work include cleaning up my script. Last week I had developed a very rough version of what I would say but this week I developed exactly what I want to say and how I am going to prove my argument.

Some challenges during this week’s process work are similar to last week’s: technology. I am having troubles trying to figure out how to include youtube videos in my video essay.I have started my production by recording my voice and including pictures and music but I am lost on how I should include my factual based content. A lot of my research is in the form of youtube videos and news reports.

Next week should go well; I think I am on track with everything I just need to figure out how to create my entire video essay.

I am feeling a little uneasy about this project at this point because it seems like I put a lot of effort into it but it is still very underdeveloped. I guess this project is just going to take extra time and effort that the other projects didn’t.

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