Sunday, April 3, 2016

Rhetorical Analysis of Project 3

In this post, I will talk about the rhetorical situation surrounding my project 3 topic.

My topic regards the affects of ObamaCare. It is a very simple and easy to understand topic. This project will focus on the pros and cons of this new healthcare system, mostly the cons though. I will first present the pros but then explain the cons and how they outweigh those pros.

The audience is essentially every American citizen. This healthcare system effects everyone in one way or another.

To argue and convince people that ObamaCare is not an effective healthcare system and that it is hurting the country's economy. People need to be informed on how important ObamaCare is and how much it affects them. I will win my case by presenting the most crucial statistics in proving the negative impact ObamaCare has had.

I am currently a physiology major and my focus is in the medical field. However, I wanted to stray away from that a little considering the fact that I've done my previous projects on strictly medical topics. Therefore,  I found a political debate that involves healthcare.

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