Sunday, April 17, 2016

Editorial Report A

In this post, I will revise the introduction part of my script to have more of an emotional appeal. 

Raw Content of Un-revised Opening Section:

“Hi, my name is Sofia Haserot and I will be discussing the public controversy over ObamaCare. The main issue that the United States of America deals with is the fact that health insurance is becoming far too expensive for the majority of the society to afford.

Therefore, former president Barrack Obama created ObamaCare. ObamaCare is an US healthcare reform law that expands access to care and mitigates spending through regulations and taxes. As many of you already know, ObamaCare has caused a huge upheaval over the past decade. While several people find this health care system to be the most beneficial system, even more people are thoroughly disappointed and upset with the increased taxes.”

Revised Opening Section:

“Imagine this: Born into a middle class family, where your parents worked hard their whole lives, and made responsible choices regarding how they spent, and saved, their money. They “played by the rules”, doing what was right and just, they paid taxes on time, and always felt the need to have good auto, home, life and health insurance. As health insurance cost continued to rise, it became a larger and larger part of our family’s budget.

Hi, my name is Sofia Haserot and I will be discussing the public controversy over ObamaCare. The main issue that the United States deals with is the fact that health insurance is becoming far too expensive for the majority of the society to afford. There are many things that people in this country disagree on, but everyone appears to agree that health care costs were becoming so high that more and more families were unable to pay for it. ObamaCare was an attempt to change the health care system in America, with the intent of lowering costs and providing coverage for those who did not have health care.

But the reality is that after all the politics and time spent on revamping the health system, most people have seen their health care costs increase dramatically. So, yes, Obama Care was born, but rather than lowering costs, it has done the opposite. It has essentially accomplished the following…it gave something very expensive, to a group of people that either could not afford it, or didn’t want to pay for it, commonly know as the uninsured. Billed as something that would not cost the country nothing, but providing expensive insurance to 30 million people at no charge ended up costing someone…this is where my family comes back into the health care equation. Under Obamacare, the poor get insurance for free, and the rest pick up the bill. 

The rich are rich, so they aren’t that affected by the increase in costs, but the middle class has been hit hard. Not qualifying for subsidies, and costs rising yearly, this new system is hurting the hard working middle class. Simply because of the fact that you’ve been responsible your whole life, the government decides you are a perfect candidate to pay extra for those who either haven’t been so responsible or just haven’t been able to fortunate enough to get ahead in life.  This is exactly what happened to my father, and it hit our family hard.

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