Sunday, April 3, 2016

Content Outline

In this post, I will present my content outline for project 3.

An opening section:
First, I will intodruce myself. I will grab the readers attention by talking about statistics and increasing tax rates.
The introduction of this video will asses the issue: Too many people cannot afford health insurance.
It will also address Obama's solution to reform the health care industry.
I will touch on The Affordable Care Act and what its main purpose is.

Body Section #1
I will talk about the Major Stakeholders:
  • Obama (obviously Pro-ObamaCare)
  • Kathleen Sebelius, secretary of Health and Human Services. Talks about complications of website.
  • Chris Chocola and Jim DeMint (against ObamaCare)
Major Pieces of Evidence:

Body Section #2
  • Tens of millions of uninsured people will get access to affordable, high-quality health insurane through Medicaid expansion
  • Over half of uninsured Americans can get free or low cost health insurance
  • There are now more private coverage options than ever, and al major medical coverage options must provide minimum essential coverage
  • One cannot be dropped from coverage because they are sick and cannot be charged more.
  • Medicaid has expanded to cover up to 25.9 million men, women, and children, who fall below 138% of the poverty level. 
  • The employer mandate says that businesses with at least 50 full time employees must provide health insurance.
  •  Young adults can stay on their parents plan until 26. 
  • ObamaCare retains a free market and allows our 3 trillion dollar healthcare industry to thrive.
Major Pieces of Evidence:

Body Section #3
  • In order to get the money to insure all these people, there are new taxes that may affect you directly (the individual mandate and the employer mandate).
  • There are extra complications with regards to filing taxes and some people who just barely miss the federal poverty level limit of 400% are hit the hardest as they don't qualify for assistance.
  • More private coverage options means more complicated shopping for coverage. Keeping a private health insurance system means that shopping for health insurance can be confusing and consumers risk overbuying or underbuying. 
  • Some people, like men in good health with no preexisting conditions, who were not responsible for anyone but themselves, and who remained healthy, were benefiting from being i a low risk group. They may have had cheap limited coverage beofre the premium hikes took place in 2014.
  • Medicaid expanded using Federal an State funding. The states that have chosen not to expand Medicaid leave 5.7 million of our nations poorest people without coverage options.
  • In anticipation of the employer mandate, some businesses have cut employee hours. This adds extra operation costs to businesses that did not provide health insurance. Many lower wage employees will find heath insurance unaffordable and end up with no affordable options due to having been offered coverage through work.
  • Young people tend to be healthy and do not need coverage. However, due to low premiums and the benefits of having a plan, young people have the best deals out of everyone under the ACA. 
  • Americans have higher healthcare costs than other countries, which have more "universal" healthcare systems.
Major Pieces of Evidence:

Closing Section:
I will talk about how Obama can improve on his healthcare system and what the future holds as of right now. 

1 comment:

  1. I gave you a peer review! good job! :)
