Sunday, April 17, 2016

Peer Review for Gabby Dietrich

I peer reviewed Gabby Dietrich’s video essay that can be found here. I think Gabby is off to a great start, considering the fact that her video is complete and only needs a little editing.       

I decided to make a suggestion about the content conventions of project 3. The rough cut meets the criteria described in the project 3 assignment sheet, but I think that it lacks a little development on the argument part.

 I agree with Gabby, she has developed the history and explanation of the situation extremely well; I wouldn’t change a thing about that part. But towards the end when she develops her point of view, it seems almost hard to identify because it is so factual. In my opinion Gabby should add some sort of appeal (Logos, Pathos, Ethos) to grab the reader and persuade them to believe that Gabby’s ideas are the right ideas.

I think that Gabby uses her sources very well and the only thing that should be altered is her argument towards the end of the video.

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