Sunday, April 3, 2016

Reflection on Pre Production

In this post, I will write about the successes and failures of this week.

I was very motivated to begin project three because I found a topic that I am very interested in. I was less interested for project two because the topic of interviewing old physiology professors was not that exciting to me. I am off to a good start because my topic is definitely a widely known controversy that affects every American.

Some failures I had this week included losing all of my work that I had originally saved on Microsoft Word. I am not sure where the documents went, but I was forced to start all of my blog posts over again. This is just a learning experience to post my blogs right away instead of saving them on word.. :)

Based on my experiences this week, I think next week will go pretty smoothly. I have all of the information organized into my outline that I will need for my production. The only thing I am a little nervous about is creating a video essay because other than the fact that I have never done a video essay, I am also technologically challenged. SO hopefully I don't have too many issues.

I feel pretty confident about my project because I have a solid topic and that is what matters most. I also found good sources that will help me present my arguments.

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