Thursday, May 5, 2016

Peer Review 15

In this post, I will peer review the content of Gabby Dietrich's editorial report.

Looking at the changes she made, I like that she combined several ideas to make the entire script more connected. I also think that using a science project as an example of procrastination was a smart move.

Since Gabby is working with a QRG, I suggest including photos of her "to do" lists or maybe past projects. Just an idea. Also, I would make sure the content of the QRG is short and to the point because that is a crucial convention of the genre.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Editorial Report 15b

In this post, I will provide an edited and revised part of my script for my podcast.

Rough Cut:

As project 2 came around, I was incredibly motivated to get an A on this one to save my grade from the last project. After reading the major project assignment document, I found project 2 to be rather interesting. I decided to get a head start and email a few physiology professors about interviews. After anxiously waiting for days, I got only denied responses about meeting. I started to stress out after the 8th professor emailed me back saying now was not a good time for interviews. So I was already behind with this project due to the delayed responses of professors. 

When I did go to my interviews I was really nervous because I had never been the one interviewing I was always the one interviewed. This was definitely a new situation that I had to adapt to. Once I finally got my interviews done, I made sure to put all my energy into making a flawless QRG. I researched all the genre conventions as well as the project requirements. I felt much more confident turning this assignment in and when I got my grade back I was ecstatic. I put a lot more time into this project and learned how to adapt to a completely new situation.

Revised Cut:

As project 2 came around, I was incredibly motivated to get an A on this one to save my grade from the last project. After reading the major project assignment document, I found project 2 to be rather interesting. Critical thinking and composing is incredibly important and will only become more important as I grow older. I will need to know how to speak to others professionally or in a way that fits whatever situation I am in. I also loved the idea that this one was focused on talking to professionals in my field. 

I decided to get a head start and email a few physiology professors about interviews. After anxiously waiting for days, I got only denied responses about meeting. I started to stress out after the 8th professor emailed me back saying now was not a good time for interviews. So I was already behind with this project due to the delayed responses of professors. This was probably the most difficult part of the project because the physiology professors that finally replied to me willing to be interviewed had offices off campus in the heath building. So I had to find means of transportation. 

When I did go to my interviews I was really nervous because I had never been the one interviewing I was always the one interviewed. This was definitely a new situation that I had to adapt to. Once I finally got my interviews done, I made sure to put all my energy into making a flawless QRG. I researched all the genre conventions as well as the project requirements. I felt much more confident turning this assignment in and when I got my grade back I was ecstatic. I put a lot more time into this project and learned how to adapt to a completely new situation.

Answers to Audience Questions:

Again, after listening to my first rough cut, I concluded that it was not detailed enough. Therefore, i decided to make each section of my podcast more detailed.

This only changed the form of my podcast by making it longer. 

Editorial Report

In this post, I will talk about how the content of my script changed.

Rough Cut:

Our first project, the rhetorical awareness one, I decided to do a college essay because my logic was.. obviously I know how to write a college essay, this will be SO easy and not that time consuming.  So I pushed off all my blog posts until Sunday night. I soon learned this is the most ineffective way to do blog posts. I had no idea how time consuming they really were. At first, I thought I could just bullshit my way through them, but I realized that these blog posts are actually crucial for my project! That was my very first epiphany of the semester for this course.

 I was wrong. My first project grade was a rude awakening. I went into sean’s office hours and reviewed my project 1 with him, which is when I learned the actual purpose of the project. Because I had done this project so quickly, I didn’t research enough and I picked a very broad topic to focus on. That was my first and major mistake. To sum it all up, Project 1 taught me the meaning of time management skills, I realized that this course is just as crucial and time consuming as my chemistry course. I also learned that detailed and close research is very important.

Revised Cut:

For first project, the rhetorical awareness one, I decided to do a college essay because my logic was.. obviously I know how to write a college essay, this will be SO easy and not that time consuming. Time was of the essence that week because I had my first chemistry exam coming around. So I pushed off all my blog posts until Sunday night. I soon learned this is the most ineffective way to do blog posts. I had no idea how time consuming they really were. At first, I thought I could just bullshit my way through them, but I realized that these blog posts are actually crucial for my project! That was my very first epiphany of the semester for this course.

Additionally, I simply skimmed over the major project assignment sheet that included everything there is to know about the project. I basically thought that because I was writing a college essay, I could just whip one out the night before the due date and I already knew what I was doing because Ive written countless college essays in my time.

 I was wrong. My first project grade was a rude awakening. I went into sean’s office hours and reviewed my project 1 with him, which is when I learned the actual purpose of the project. Because I had done this project so quickly, I didn’t research enough and I picked a very broad topic to focus on. That was my first and major mistake. To sum it all up, Project 1 taught me the meaning of time management skills, I realized that this course is just as crucial and time consuming as my chemistry course. I also learned that detailed and close research is very important.

Answers to Audience Questions:

I changed the content by making it longer and more detailed. This provided more insight on project one.

The form didn't really change, other than my podcast now being a longer duration. 

Open Post to Peer Reviewers

In this post, I will provide a rough cut of my podcast.

The rough cut can be found here.

For this project, I decided to do a podcast. First of all, I wasn't really sure how to make my podcast interesting to the audience so I included little cuts of a song in the beginning, middle, and end of my podcast. I'm happy with my content because I've said everything about my experiences in this course. Let me know if anything needs to be changed! :)

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Peer Review for Ben Macklin

In this post, I will peer review Ben Macklin's content outline and make a brainstorming suggestion.

I think Ben's outline definitely proves that he understands the project 4 assignment. He talks about his past writing experiences and how his skills have grown throughout the semester.

Considering that this is an outline, there is not much detail and development. But I think Ben is off to a great start, he just needs to include specific examples of what he talks about.

I think Ben should talk about how his skills will help him in the future and how he had benefitted from this course.

Production Report 14b

In this post, I will provide the rough material of the third body section of my content outline.

Body Section #3

As project 2 came around, I was incredibly motivated to get an A on this one to save my grade from the last project. After reading the major project assignment document, I found project 2 to be rather interesting. Critical thinking and composing is incredibly important and will only become more important as I grow older. I will need to know how to speak to others professionally or in a way that fits whatever situation I am in. I also loved the idea that this one was focused on talking to professionals in my field. I decided to get a head start and email a few physiology professors about interviews. After anxiously waiting for days, I got only denied responses about meeting. I started to stress out after the 8th professor emailed me back saying now was not a good time for interviews. So I was already behind with this project due to the delayed responses of professors. This was probably the most difficult part of the project because the physiology professors that finally replied to me willing to be interviewed had offices off campus in the heath building. So I had to find means of transportation. When I did go to my interviews I was really nervous because I had never been the one interviewing I was always the one interviewed. This was definitely a new situation that I had to adapt to. Once I finally got my interviews done, I made sure to put all my energy into making a flawless QRG. I researched all the genre conventions as well as the project requirements. I felt much more confident turning this assignment in and when I got my grade back I was ecstatic. I put a lot more time into this project and learned how to adapt to a completely new situation.

Production Report

In this post, I will provide the rough material from my second body section of my content outline.

Body Section #2

"Our first project, the rhetorical awareness one, I decided to do a college essay because my logic was.. obviously I know how to write a college essay, this will be SO easy and not that time consuming. Time was of the essence that week because I had my first chemistry exam coming around. So I pushed off all my blog posts until Sunday night. I soon learned this is the most ineffective way to do blog posts. I had no idea how time consuming they really were. At first, I thought I could just bullshit my way through them, but I realized that these blog posts are actually crucial for my project! That was my very first epiphany of the semester for this course. Additionally, I simply skimmed over the major project assignment sheet that included everything there is to know about the project. I basically thought that because I was writing a college essay, I could just whip one out the night before the due date and I already knew what I was doing because Ive written countless college essays in my time. I was wrong. My first project grade was a rude awakening. I went into sean’s office hours and reviewed my project 1 with him, which is when I learned the actual purpose of the project. Because I had done this project so quickly, I didn’t research enough and I picked a very broad topic to focus on. That was my first and major mistake. To sum it all up, Project 1 taught me the meaning of time management skills, I realized that this course is just as crucial and time consuming as my chemistry course. I also learned that detailed and close research is very important."

For this project, I will be doing a Podcast. Therefore, I tried to keep my body section very descriptive to keep the audience engaged. I also did not want to make it too long so I would not lose my audience's attention.

Production Schedule

In this post, I will provide a detailed schedule for project 4.

What is to be done
Reflect on old projects
Create content outline
Create Script
Record Podcast
Revise Podcast

Content Outline

In this post, I will create my content outline for project 4.

Opening Section:
In the opening section I will talk about how I got into this course, what my motives were and how I had felt prior to my first day of class.

Body Section #1:
I will explain how my first day of class was and how I underestimated this course. I’ll also bring up my plan on how I was going to be successful in English 109H.
  • ·      Talk about how I took AP English and literature classes in high school
  • ·      Talk about how I initially misunderstood the context of this course

Body Section #2:
This body section will focus on my experiences with project one. I will talk about what I learned, how my perspective changed, and what my successes and challenges were.
  • ·      Talk about why I chose to do a college essay
  • ·      Talk about blog posts
  • ·      Talk about how I didn’t fully read the major project assignment sheet
  • ·      Talk about how time consuming this project was

Body Section #3:
This body section will focus on my experiences with project two. I will also talk about what I learned from this project, how my perspective changed, and what my successes and challenges were.
  • ·      Talk about how I was much more motivated to get an A on this project
  • ·      Talk about how much research I did
  • ·      Talk about how difficult it was to organize interviews

Body Section #4:
This body section will focus on my experiences with project three. I will also talk about what I learned from this project, how my perspective changed, and what my successes and challenges were.
  • ·      Talk about how difficult it was to figure out imovie (lol)
  • ·      Talk about how I emailed students and asked for help
  • ·      Talk about how I made sure to start on my script early

Closing Section:

I will wrap up my podcast by explaining my overall experience in this course and how what I have learned will help me in the future.

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Peer Review for Leah Crowder

In this post, I will peer review the content of Leah Crowder's script for her video essay.

Leah starts off her script with a personal comment about herself and I love that strategy because it allows her to gain credibility for the topic that she is focusing on. Additionally, I think the music will bring an emotional appeal. She also provides a significant amount of videos and evidence to gain the logical appeal. Therefore, just by reading her script, she has achieved all three crucial parts of an argument (pathos, logos, ethos).

The only thing I suggest is to make sure that all of the videos that are included as evidence to support her argument are completely necessary. My only concern is that the audience loses interest if the video is too long. Other than that, everything looks organized and well thought out. Great work Leah. :-)

Peer Review for Ben Macklin

In this post, I will peer review the content Ben Macklin’s video essay “Drug Addiction.”

I think the rough cut is very well developed. Ben provides evidence for al of his arguments and once it is all put together in a video essay, everything will be very organized.

Ben provides a lot of detail in his argument. I like that he touches on so many different areas of drug addiction and where it originated. This will help the audience understand the issue and possible solution.

Ben uses a handful of credible sources such as videos with Nixon, Reagan, propaganda, and personal stories. This will support his logical appeal to the audience.

Overall, I think Ben is right on track. The only thing I suggest is that he gets started on creating his video since time is becoming of the essence. His script looks perfect in my opinion; now he is ready for production. 

Reflection on Project 3

In this post, I will reflect on the production phase and how I am feeling about finally submitting my project. 

Some successes of this week, believe it or not, were actually being able to create my video. Before this week I had just been editing my script, but I finally sat down and figured out how to create the actual video.

Some challenges were figuring out what content was crucial to keep and what should be cut out. I didn’t want to seem repetitive and I also didn’t want my video to end up being too long because I would lose my audience’s attention.

I think next week will definitely be less stressful because this project will be turned in by then and I will just be starting project 4.

I am feeling pretty confident with my project because I spent a lot of time making sure everything was exactly how I wanted it to be. I revised and re edited this project more than any other project prior.

Editorial Report 13b

I also altered the first body section of my video essay. I found it unnecessary to introduce Jim Demint as an opponent to ObamaCare because it isn’t really a specific person who is opposed to it, it is more of a huge group like the republican party.

Rough Cut

In order to understand the situation and its entirety, each stakeholder must be introduced.

Obviously Obama is the biggest stakeholder, considering the fact that ObamaCare was his doing.
 (Photo of Obama will be included)

He states, “In the United States of America, health care is not a privilege for the fortunate few, it is a right. And I knew that if we didn’t do something about our unfair and inefficient health care system, it would keep driving up our deficits, it would keep burdening our businesses, it would keep hurting our families, and it would keep holding back economic growth.”

Additionally, we have the key player fueling the “defund ObamaCare” movement, Jim DeMint. This man has done everything in his power to thwart the president’s health care law. He is an American politician and a member of the Republican party. He is also the president of the Heritage Foundation, a conservative thinktank. 
 (Photo of DeMint will be included)

Revised Version:

In order to understand the situation and its entirety, it is important to understand Obama’s reasoning behind ObamaCare. Obviously Obama is the biggest stakeholder, considering the fact that ObamaCare was his doing.

 (Photo of Obama will be included)

He states, “In the United States of America, health care is not a privilege for the fortunate few, it is a right. And I knew that if we didn’t do something about our unfair and inefficient health care system, it would keep driving up our deficits, it would keep burdening our businesses, it would keep hurting our families, and it would keep holding back economic growth.”

Editorial Report

The content changed quite a bit actually. I decided to take a lot of information out because I felt like I was starting to sound repetitive. Therefore, I took out an entire body section.

Rough Cut:

Body Section 2:
So, what exactly are the so-called benefits of ObamaCare? According to obama... tens of millions of uninsured people will get access to affordable, high-quality health insurance through Medicaid expansion and over half of uninsured Americans can get free or low cost health insurance.

However, what Obama fails to consider is that in order to get the money to insure all these people, there are new taxes that may affect you directly, like the individual mandate and the employer mandate.

Video: "A republican response to ObamaCare"

Jim Demint wrote an article for the wall street journal and states, “We know that premiums are going up due to ObamaCare. Americans are getting notices in -their mailboxes every day. In North Carolina, for example, many consumers will find their premiums almost double when shopping on the government exchanges. The hardest-hit states, such as Georgia, Arizona, Vermont and North Dakota, will see premium increases up to 150%.”

Revised Version:

So, what exactly are the so-called benefits of ObamaCare? According to obama... tens of millions of uninsured people will get access to affordable, high-quality health insurance through Medicaid expansion and over half of uninsured Americans can get free or low cost health insurance.

However, what Obama fails to consider is that in order to get the money to insure all these people, there are new taxes that may affect you directly, like the individual mandate and the employer mandate.

(include a video on the new taxes)

***notice how I took how the Jim Demint quote.

Revised Post to Peer Reviewers

In this post, I will provide my revised fine cut.

Key information about my particular project that I would like my peer reviewers to know is that my main topic is obamacare and why it is not the best solution for America’s increased health insurance costs.

Major issues or weaknesses in the final cut would be whether or not I achieved an emotional appeal. I tried to make my argument personal by talking about how my family was affected by ObamaCare but I am not sure I was successful in doing so.

Major virtues or strengths in the final cut I would day is the editing. I made sure to include music and transitions and videos are perfectly cut to the exact second I wanted them at.

Here is a working hyperlink to the fine cut.

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Open Post to Peer Reviewers

In this post, I will only present the script for my video essay. I will also include what videos and pieces of evidence that I will use to support my argument.

(P.S. this is very republican. I'm not even a republican LOL I just thought it would be easy to support this argument. )

Opening Section:

“Imagine this: Born into a middle class family, where your parents worked hard their whole lives, and made responsible choices regarding how they spent, and saved, their money. They “played by the rules”, doing what was right and just, they paid taxes on time, and always felt the need to have good auto, home, life and health insurance. As health insurance cost continued to rise, it became a larger and larger part of our family’s budget.

Hi, my name is Sofia Haserot and I will be discussing the public controversy over ObamaCare. The main issue that the United States deals with is the fact that health insurance is becoming far too expensive for the majority of the society to afford. There are many things that people in this country disagree on, but everyone appears to agree that health care costs were becoming so high that more and more families were unable to pay for it. ObamaCare, also referred to as Medicaid, was an attempt to change the health care system in America, with the intent of lowering costs and providing coverage for those who did not have health care.

But the reality is that after all the politics and time spent on revamping the health system, most people have seen their health care costs increase dramatically. So, yes, Obama Care was born, but rather than lowering costs, it has done the opposite. It has essentially accomplished the following…it gave something very expensive, to a group of people that either could not afford it, or didn’t want to pay for it, commonly know as the uninsured. Billed as something that would not cost the country nothing, but providing expensive insurance to 30 million people at no charge ended up costing someone…this is where my family comes back into the health care equation. Under Obamacare, the poor get insurance for free, and the rest pick up the bill. The rich are rich, so they aren’t that affected by the increase in costs, but the middle class has been hit hard. Not qualifying for subsidies, and costs rising yearly, this new system is hurting the hard working middle class. Simply because of the fact that you’ve been responsible your whole life, the government decides you are a perfect candidate to pay extra for those who either haven’t been so responsible or just haven’t been able to fortunate enough to get ahead in life.  This is exactly what happened to my father, and it hit our family hard.
 (Photo of ObamaCare logos will be provided as well as impoverished families for pathos effect)

Body Section 1:

In order to understand the situation and its entirety, each stakeholder must be introduced.
Obviously Obama is the biggest stakeholder, considering the fact that ObamaCare was his doing.
 (Photo of Obama will be included)

He states, “In the United States of America, health care is not a privilege for the fortunate few, it is a right. And I knew that if we didn’t do something about our unfair and inefficient health care system, it would keep driving up our deficits, it would keep burdening our businesses, it would keep hurting our families, and it would keep holding back economic growth.”

Additionally, we have the key player fueling the “defund ObamaCare” movement, Jim DeMint. This man has done everything in his power to thwart the president’s health care law. He is an American politician and a member of the Republican party. He is also the president of the Heritage Foundation, a conservative thinktank. 
 (Photo of DeMint will be included)

Body Section 2:
So, what exactly are the so-called benefits of ObamaCare? According to obama... tens of millions of uninsured people will get access to affordable, high-quality health insurance through Medicaid expansion and over half of uninsured Americans can get free or low cost health insurance.

However, what Obama fails to consider is that in order to get the money to insure all these people, there are new taxes that may affect you directly, like the individual mandate and the employer mandate.

Video: "A republican response to ObamaCare"

Jim Demint wrote an article for the wall street journal and states, “We know that premiums are going up due to ObamaCare. Americans are getting notices in -their mailboxes every day. In North Carolina, for example, many consumers will find their premiums almost double when shopping on the government exchanges. The hardest-hit states, such as Georgia, Arizona, Vermont and North Dakota, will see premium increases up to 150%.”

Body Section 3:
Additionally, some people, like men in good health with no preexisting conditions, who were not responsible for anyone but themselves, and who remained healthy, were benefiting from being in a low risk group. They may have had cheap limited coverage before the premium hikes took place in 2014.

Video: "The Good The Bad & The Ugly Side of ObamaCare (time @ 2:00).

It is clear that ObamaCare has good intentions, however, I am not sure how good this solution is for America's increased health care costs. Yes, ObamaCare retains a free market and allows our 3 trillion dollar healthcare industry to thrive in some ways. However, Americans still have higher healthcare costs than other countries, which have more universal healthcare systems. Hopefully, one day it will be possible to take the positives from ObamaCare and merge them with a more ideal and fair healthcare system in the future. Health truly is the most important thing and number one priority for a person, however, that person's healthcare should not be made another's responsibility.


Editorial Report B

In this post, I will revise my first body section of my script.

Un-revised Body Section 1 Raw Content:

In order to understand the situation and its entirety, each stakeholder must be introduced.
Obviously Obama is the biggest stakeholder, considering the fact that ObamaCare was his doing.

He states, “In the United States of America, health care is not a privilege for the fortunate few, it is a right. And I knew that if we didn’t do something about our unfair and inefficient health care system, it would keep driving up our deficits, it would keep burdening our businesses, it would keep hurting our families, and it would keep holding back economic growth.”

Additionally, we have the key player fueling the “defund ObamaCare” movement, Jim DeMint. This man has done everything in his power to thwart the president’s health care law. He is an American politician and a member of the Republican party. He is also the president of the Heritage Foundation, a conservative thinktank. 

Revised Body Section 1 Raw Content:

I decided to leave it in it’s exact format because it will be the most beneficial to my project.

Editorial Report A

In this post, I will revise the introduction part of my script to have more of an emotional appeal. 

Raw Content of Un-revised Opening Section:

“Hi, my name is Sofia Haserot and I will be discussing the public controversy over ObamaCare. The main issue that the United States of America deals with is the fact that health insurance is becoming far too expensive for the majority of the society to afford.

Therefore, former president Barrack Obama created ObamaCare. ObamaCare is an US healthcare reform law that expands access to care and mitigates spending through regulations and taxes. As many of you already know, ObamaCare has caused a huge upheaval over the past decade. While several people find this health care system to be the most beneficial system, even more people are thoroughly disappointed and upset with the increased taxes.”

Revised Opening Section:

“Imagine this: Born into a middle class family, where your parents worked hard their whole lives, and made responsible choices regarding how they spent, and saved, their money. They “played by the rules”, doing what was right and just, they paid taxes on time, and always felt the need to have good auto, home, life and health insurance. As health insurance cost continued to rise, it became a larger and larger part of our family’s budget.

Hi, my name is Sofia Haserot and I will be discussing the public controversy over ObamaCare. The main issue that the United States deals with is the fact that health insurance is becoming far too expensive for the majority of the society to afford. There are many things that people in this country disagree on, but everyone appears to agree that health care costs were becoming so high that more and more families were unable to pay for it. ObamaCare was an attempt to change the health care system in America, with the intent of lowering costs and providing coverage for those who did not have health care.

But the reality is that after all the politics and time spent on revamping the health system, most people have seen their health care costs increase dramatically. So, yes, Obama Care was born, but rather than lowering costs, it has done the opposite. It has essentially accomplished the following…it gave something very expensive, to a group of people that either could not afford it, or didn’t want to pay for it, commonly know as the uninsured. Billed as something that would not cost the country nothing, but providing expensive insurance to 30 million people at no charge ended up costing someone…this is where my family comes back into the health care equation. Under Obamacare, the poor get insurance for free, and the rest pick up the bill. 

The rich are rich, so they aren’t that affected by the increase in costs, but the middle class has been hit hard. Not qualifying for subsidies, and costs rising yearly, this new system is hurting the hard working middle class. Simply because of the fact that you’ve been responsible your whole life, the government decides you are a perfect candidate to pay extra for those who either haven’t been so responsible or just haven’t been able to fortunate enough to get ahead in life.  This is exactly what happened to my father, and it hit our family hard.

Peer Review for Emily Bond

I peer reviewed Emily Bond’s QRG “The Kids Aren’t Alright,” which can be found here. I decided to make a form suggestion, since I chose to create a QRG in my last project. I think that this QRG is very well formatted.

The rough cut uses appropriate genre conventions, like subtitles in the form of rhetorical questions. These questions helped my follow the argument without getting confused on the importance of certain paragraphs. Additionally, she includes pictures that give me a better idea of the situation.

I think that if Emily is hoping to make her QRG more creative, she could mess around with different fonts and sizes. Maybe she could use an emotional appeal by making important statements in large font sizes and bold them. Just an idea! Overall, I think she is off to a great start, well done Emily.

Peer Review for Gabby Dietrich

I peer reviewed Gabby Dietrich’s video essay that can be found here. I think Gabby is off to a great start, considering the fact that her video is complete and only needs a little editing.       

I decided to make a suggestion about the content conventions of project 3. The rough cut meets the criteria described in the project 3 assignment sheet, but I think that it lacks a little development on the argument part.

 I agree with Gabby, she has developed the history and explanation of the situation extremely well; I wouldn’t change a thing about that part. But towards the end when she develops her point of view, it seems almost hard to identify because it is so factual. In my opinion Gabby should add some sort of appeal (Logos, Pathos, Ethos) to grab the reader and persuade them to believe that Gabby’s ideas are the right ideas.

I think that Gabby uses her sources very well and the only thing that should be altered is her argument towards the end of the video.

Reflection on Global Revision Process

In this post, I will discuss my reflection on the global revision process this week.

Some successes during this week’s process work include cleaning up my script. Last week I had developed a very rough version of what I would say but this week I developed exactly what I want to say and how I am going to prove my argument.

Some challenges during this week’s process work are similar to last week’s: technology. I am having troubles trying to figure out how to include youtube videos in my video essay.I have started my production by recording my voice and including pictures and music but I am lost on how I should include my factual based content. A lot of my research is in the form of youtube videos and news reports.

Next week should go well; I think I am on track with everything I just need to figure out how to create my entire video essay.

I am feeling a little uneasy about this project at this point because it seems like I put a lot of effort into it but it is still very underdeveloped. I guess this project is just going to take extra time and effort that the other projects didn’t.

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Peer Review for Mike Duffek

In this post, I will peer review Mike Duffek's Production Report. The fact that he has gotten so far in his project already is very impressive to me.

For this post, I am making a content suggestion focusing on how he introduces his topic.

Mike uses personal experiences to set the stage of his argument. I am thoroughly impressed with his vivid descriptions. I think that this is perfect for a podcast because all the audience can do is listen. His word choice and diction is spectacular. I honestly don't have that much advice or suggestions to make because Mike already seems to meet all of the requirements in his rough cut.

I admire Mike's passion for his topic and I think his final cut will be well put together.

Peer Review for Malik Bullock

In this post, I will peer review Malik Bullock's rough cut. I focused on the raw content of his first main body, which can be found here.

I think Malik is off to a good start. However, if this is one of his main body sections, he should consider adding more content. He has a good topic sentence but not much to support it.

Also, I suggest that Malik adds more about the background of the issue and the different arguments behind it.

As far as citations go, Malik provided the name of the source that he might want to incorporate. If he does include it in his video essay. He should make sure to introduce the author of the source and its credibility.

Reflection on Production

In this post, I will talk about how well my production week went.

Some of the successes this week included actually putting together my script. I have a much more organized idea of how I will go about this project.

One of the challenges that I experienced this week was figuring out how I will make my video essay. I tried to start my rough cut on iMovie but unfortunately I couldn't figure it out. So instead I wrote my script on Microsoft word.

I think next week will be easy if I can figure out how to make my video essay. I plan to ask my peers for help.

I am somewhat confident but nervous at the same time because I still don't know how I am going to create my video.

Production Report 11b

In this post, I will talk about the raw content of the first body section of project 3.

Body Section 1:

I will begin this section by introducing the main stakeholders: President Obama and his opponent Jim DeMint. I'll also include both of their arguments and what their plans are. While talking about each stakeholder, i will include a photo of their faces.

Body Section 1 Raw Content:

In order to understand the situation and its entirety, each stakeholder must be introduced.
Obviously Obama is the biggest stakeholder, considering the fact that ObamaCare was his doing.

He states, “In the United States of America, health care is not a privilege for the fortunate few, it is a right. And I knew that if we didn’t do something about our unfair and inefficient health care system, it would keep driving up our deficits, it would keep burdening our businesses, it would keep hurting our families, and it would keep holding back economic growth.”

Additionally, we have the key player fueling the “defund ObamaCare” movement, Jim DeMint. This man has done everything in his power to thwart the president’s health care law. He is an American politician and a member of the Republican party. He is also the president of the Heritage Foundation, a conservative thinktank.