Sunday, May 1, 2016

Production Report

In this post, I will provide the rough material from my second body section of my content outline.

Body Section #2

"Our first project, the rhetorical awareness one, I decided to do a college essay because my logic was.. obviously I know how to write a college essay, this will be SO easy and not that time consuming. Time was of the essence that week because I had my first chemistry exam coming around. So I pushed off all my blog posts until Sunday night. I soon learned this is the most ineffective way to do blog posts. I had no idea how time consuming they really were. At first, I thought I could just bullshit my way through them, but I realized that these blog posts are actually crucial for my project! That was my very first epiphany of the semester for this course. Additionally, I simply skimmed over the major project assignment sheet that included everything there is to know about the project. I basically thought that because I was writing a college essay, I could just whip one out the night before the due date and I already knew what I was doing because Ive written countless college essays in my time. I was wrong. My first project grade was a rude awakening. I went into sean’s office hours and reviewed my project 1 with him, which is when I learned the actual purpose of the project. Because I had done this project so quickly, I didn’t research enough and I picked a very broad topic to focus on. That was my first and major mistake. To sum it all up, Project 1 taught me the meaning of time management skills, I realized that this course is just as crucial and time consuming as my chemistry course. I also learned that detailed and close research is very important."

For this project, I will be doing a Podcast. Therefore, I tried to keep my body section very descriptive to keep the audience engaged. I also did not want to make it too long so I would not lose my audience's attention.

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