Sunday, February 7, 2016

Stakeholder #1

In this post, I will write about one of the primary stakeholders of my controversy for Project 1.
Open Clipart Vectors, Public Domain.

One of the primary stakeholders in this controversy is the former attorney general Greg Stumbo who filed a lawsuit against Purdue Pharma in 2007 for their release of false information on the risks of addiction of OxyContin. Stumbo is a middle-aged man with dark brown, slightly grey hair and has a seemingly permanent serious expression on his face. Being an attorney general, Stumbo’s wardrobe consists of formal ties and suits. He is often seen wearing a black suit with a red patterned tie. He has a thick southern accent that lengthens and enlarges all of the vowel sounds coming out of his mouth. He always speaks formally and with authority. Stumbo is a democrat who is very opinionated. 

Another stakeholder working with Stumbo is Kentucky’s current Attorney General Jack Conway. Conway looks much younger and has an encouraging, positive look to him. Every picture of him I searched on google, I found him to be smiling. He has a similar wardrobe to Stumbo’s; professional suit and tie. However, he does not have a thick southern accent. In general, both of these men seem like they care deeply about the state of Kentucky and the overall wellbeing of the United States.

Three specific claims made by Greg Stumbo and Jack Conway

These claims are valid because Purdue Pharma did in fact lie to the entire country about how addictive their drugs could have been. Without bias, these claims further support the arguments made by the state of Kentucky; however, several people do not agree that it is entirely the fault of the drug companies. Other stakeholders strongly believe that it is the fault of doctors prescribing the drugs.

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