Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Peer Review 1

In this post, I will review Vincent Giacoppo's QRG draft. The focus of his project is on Google's self driving car accident. The link to his draft is here.
Google, "Google."1 September 2015. Public Domain.
My grading rubric link is here. I thought this draft was very organized and well thought out. However the content was lacking in some areas. The stakeholders could be elaborated on more. As far as content goes, I suggest the writer works on the "why" section more. How does this affect the country or the world? Also focus on what it might lead to in the future. The "what" section was very clear. I understood what the issue was and the different opinions on it. Additionally, the writer used the conventions of a QRG effectively, but could be more creative with the introduction and title.

2 Positive Things I found: Well organized QRG and easy to comprehend
2 Negative Things that could be changed: Introduction lacked creativity and content can have more substance as far as the "why" section goes.

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