Sunday, February 28, 2016

My Interviewees on Social Media

In this post, I will write about my interviewees on social media.
Pixabay, "Social Media." Public Domain. 

William Dantzler

Youtube: “Living History of Physilogy Project of The American Physiological Society”

Dantzler was the interviewer of Douglas G. Stuart at the University of Arizona. Stuart was granted an honorary doctoral degree from the University of Arizona and offered his advice to young people either considering or just starting a career in physiology.

WordPress: Dantlzer published his novel, “Comparative Physilogy of the Vertebrate Kidney” on this website.

Dantzler’s social media presence is very professional. He talks about the same things that relate to his professional career and research. He is part of the American Physiological Society, but other than that, I could not find any social media that focused on his personal life. For example, in his interview,

Eldon Braun

 I could not find any social media for Professor Braun. In my interview, I specifically asked him if he had any form of social media; he replied no. He doesn’t find it necessary or helpful to use social media networks for his research. Additionaly, he is a retiree, and admits that he just isn’t in the “social media generation.”

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