Sunday, March 6, 2016

Reflection on Pre-Production Phase

This post will be focused on my reflection on the pre-production phase.

Some of the successes during this week’s progress work were getting all of my interviews done. Once that was out of the way and I had all of the information needed, my next step was determining the main writing genres to focus on for my project. During my interviews, I was given a ton of information of the various ways of creating texts as a professional in the physiology field. I decided to focus on three major writing genres discussed in my interviews: Scientific papers, Oral presentation/abstract, and scientific reviews.

The challenges for this week were very minimal. My interviewees were very helpful and cooperative. The only challenge was, as mentioned before, determining what writing genres I should talk about. Nothing went wrong once I had scheduled my interviews. It was slightly difficult, however, to find two professionals who was willing to meet with me.

I think next week will go smoothly as long as I don’t procrastinate. I have a very busy schedule; considering it is the week before spring break, it is also midterm week. Therefore, I need to plan out the best times to work on the production phase.

I am feeling more confident about the project as each week passes. At first, I was thoroughly confused on what this project was supposed to be like. However, every time I go to class my peers and Sean give me a better understanding of the expectations of this project.

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