Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Editorial Report 9b

In this post, I will post my rough cut and my revised version of a section from my QRG.

Rough Cut

What is the rhetorical situation?

The purpose of a scientific paper is to present large amounts of research usually published in a journal.The audience for a scientific paper typically consists of other scientists and researchers. Professor Braun stated, “You write a scientific paper for the experts in the field, for a wide audience of scientists so they can read and understand information.”Oral presentations are typically used for preliminary publications that are presented in 10 minutes or less. Most small research is presented this way and there is a more clearly defined and specific audience. Powerpoints are necessary for an audience of students or people who are not as familiar with the subject of the powerpoint. This is vastly different from a scientific paper because it is much simpler and easier to understand for a general audience.

What is the rhetorical situation?

The purpose of a scientific paper is to present large amounts of research usually published in a journal. I know what you are thinking, how overwhelming! Don’t get too ahead of yourself, this is why conventions are important when writing a scientific paper.

The audience for a scientific paper typically consists of other scientists and researchers. Professor Braun stated, “You write a scientific paper for the experts in the field, for a wide audience of scientists so they can read and understand information.”

Oral presentations are typically used for preliminary publications that are presented in 10 minutes or less. Most small research is presented this way and there is a more clearly defined and specific audience.

Powerpoints, on the other hand, are necessary for an audience of students or people who are not as familiar with the subject of the powerpoint. This is vastly different from a scientific paper because it is much simpler and easier to understand for a general audience.

Answers to Audience Questions:

I added more to the content to make it more interesting for my reader. After re-reading this section, I found it to be very bland and hard to get through. So I just added a few sentences to present a clearer and more intriguing analysis of a rhetorical situation.

I changed the form quite a bit for this section. I made it much easier to read by creating spaces in between lines so that there are brief paragraphs instead of one large one. Additionally, I highlighted crucial points of the section to get the reader’s attention.

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