Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Open Post to Peer Reviewers

In this post, I will discuss my Project 2 rough draft.

My project is a QRG focuses on the writing genres of professionals in my field, which is physiology. I assure you that this is a VERY rough draft; as in I am aware that QRG's should have pictures distributed throughout. I haven't gotten that far but I do have the entirety of my content, which I thought was more crucial to finish. Here is my rough draft.


  1. Hi Sofia,
    This is an excellent draft! I am actually doing a QRG surrounding the physiology field as well so it was interesting to see how you took on the project (and rhetorical situation) different from my own. I think your draft is very well put together with its organization and unique presentation of the information so I decided to focus on content for peer review.
    First off, I think that your QRG does a great job at achieving the whole purpose of this project to present different genres in a field of study and effectively analyze multiple rhetorical techniques that those genres commonly use. You specifically defined and explained the rhetorical techniques and the headings within the QRG are indicative of that.
    There is a lot of detail in your draft in describing each of the genres that is very helpful to the reader and makes the readability of the QRG very natural. It was easy just to skim through the whole document and get an idea of what the whole QRG was about (which is good because that's what QRG should be like).
    You used a lot of content from the interviews you conducted with two UA professors and that establishes huge credibility in your sources where you give quotes on their own writing and how they think undergraduates should look at the field as a whole.
    There is a thorough development of ideas throughout the draft that is eventually tied all together in the conclusion with the quote from Dantzler because it brings up the overarching importance of writing in physiology as a whole.
    You have a great draft here and I wish you good luck with your final revisions tonight!

  2. Hello Sofia, I have reviewed your QRG for project two and conducted a recommendation of form below:

    Genre conventions are present, but there are still some crucial pieces missing when it comes to creating a QRG. Starting with the title. The title is perfect, it states what the QRG will disucss, but does not utilize a sub-title. Pictures are used well, but formatted poorly, shifting into the margins of the document and not aligning with text. Statistical images are used well. There is no use of bulleted lists within the QRG, which makes it really easy to glace over a collection of information and gain an idea on what the topic is.

    The content presented is presented well in the format of a QRG. Paragraphs are short and spaced out well with white space making it easy to read quickly. A lot of paragraphs utilize links well and make the text interactive. This is only weakened on page 3, where there is only text, and a section of paragraphs where there are no links, and no images.

    Genre conventions could better be used if a sub-title is added for the final, pictures are aligned or wrapped up in their own text so that the audience knows which pictures go with what sections of text. Pictures could be added to page three to make it less text heavy as well.

  3. Sofia,

    This QRG is a great start to utilizing the genres of a QRG. I believe the best recommendation about form that I could give would be the overall visual element of a QRG. I believe that you can create a much greater QRG by having images on at least every page and utilizing tight text wrap to give the images a natural place on the page among the text. By doing this, the eyes of the reader are able to flow naturally through the page, making the content easier to digest. Another aspect of the QRG that I believe will improve it greatly is by changing the font to something that is more inviting to the reader and spacing out the text into small sections. In all, creating a better appearance through titles, white space, and image spacing, the QRG will be improved greatly.

    Good Work!
    Nick Hernandez
