Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Open Post to Peer Reviewers

In this post, I will provide a rough cut of my podcast.

The rough cut can be found here.

For this project, I decided to do a podcast. First of all, I wasn't really sure how to make my podcast interesting to the audience so I included little cuts of a song in the beginning, middle, and end of my podcast. I'm happy with my content because I've said everything about my experiences in this course. Let me know if anything needs to be changed! :)


  1. I know you were worried about the length being to short; but I actually don't think that the length is a major issue. You develop all you points quite well and give a good amount of time to explaining each project and how you handled it. You did a good job of keeping the listener engaged and I actually thought the music in the middle was a nice touch as a transition between sections. I do think that you need to clarify certain ideas, like for example the work with Project 4. You sort of mention it then the podcast is over; in my opinion you should either develop that idea more or just not mention it completely. Either way that section could be used to focus a little bit more on how you will use what you learned through the experiences in this class in the future.

  2. Hi Sofia, Marvin here. I truly enjoyed your podcast. It was relatively small compared to the usual student podcast....but that's incredible!You said practically everything you needed to and I freaking enjoyed that!Um, let's see I would just suggest maybe at your conclusion adding a crazy story of you staying up late or something like that (which honestly is not necessary but just a thought).

    Fantastic work Sofia!

  3. Nice job on this draft. A few points:

    The length was not distracting at all. The content gripped interest for the duration of the whole entire podcast. Any longer would have felt like it was droning on.

    I enjoyed the organization as well. The chronological ordering of project by project made complete sense, and showed a sense of growth and maturation during the class.

    Here is a content suggestion: include something at the end that discusses your final thoughts on the class. The podcast seemed slightly open-ended for a final project, but it didn't bother me all that much since the bulk of the podcast was done well.

  4. ฉีดเผาผลาญไขมัน





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    ยุโรป อเมริการวมทั้ง



    meso fat

  5. ร้อยไหม
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    ร้อยไหม pantip
