Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Investigating Genres

In this post, I will focus on investigating genres.
FSP Vintage Collection. "Vintage illustraion of a man writing with a feather pen" Public Domain.

1.     The purpose of a video essay is to explore different types of visual media by taking parts of footage and analyzing what they mean and how they relate to society. Successful video essays are brief and allow the viewer to see the argument presented by the video essay creator. Because today’s society is so technologically advanced, video essays are incredibly helpful; people are able to obtain information comfortably through multimedia and explore different topics in a subjective way.
2.     Depending on who is making the video essays, readers can usually find video essays on YouTube, on a blog, online magazines, or even on Facebook. For example, a professional critic or scholar could be the maker, whereas a simple movie fan could also be the maker; this justifies where the video essay can be found. Bloggers and YouTube users have made the majority of video essays that I viewed. Their main purpose was to raise awareness or educate the viewers on a certain topic.
3.     The typical audience for video essays is generally people who take interest in learning about a controversial topic or subject. People who are media scholars, literature students, or essayists have taken part in this genre. Video essays continue to grow in popularity because of their easy use of technology, allowing large majorities of people view a topic or argument in less than ten minutes of footage.
4.     Based on my answers above, in my own words, a video essay is a brief presentation of a certain argument that is typically presented by bloggers to the world through the Internet in attempts to raise awareness on that specific subject. It is in my opinion a great way to present arguments because it provides images and sound to the audience, allowing them to analyze the argument in a more creative way.

After viewing Gabby Dietrich's and Marvin Chaires's blog posts, I have a much clearer understanding on the different genres that we will be working with this semester. Each blog was incredibly informative, not only on the genres that I failed to do extensive research on, but even on the genre (video essays) that I researched myself! I am excited to explore these different technological ways of presentation.  


  1. The point about the accessibility of video essays is intriguing. I think that the accessibility of these essays make them more effective than a traditional essay would. The creative aspect of these essays may also make them more effective.

  2. When reading your description of a video essay, I thought that your definition of a video essay was spot on. I will certainly reference this post when working on my project in this genre.

  3. Your definition of what a video essay is was very good. I thought that it was good how you explained why you found a video essay was effective.
