Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Course Projects

In this post, I will focus on my understanding of the course projects.
Barretr acquired from OCAL, "Illustration of a pencil" Public Domain

1. When viewing the controversy postmortem, I am most confused about what kind of controversy I am supposed to focus on. Should I write about a personal controversy or a controversy I had with others? When viewing the rhetorical investigation, I am unclear on what you mean by investigating a “field.” By field do you mean picking one of the four course genres that I haven’t already used for another project? When viewing the public argument, is the ongoing present-day controversy a personal controversy or a widely known subject? Lastly, in the reflective self-assignment, I am not confused on ay part of this project.
2. I am most interested in exploring the four different genres more. I am only familiar with writing formal essays; I have never really used multimedia to express my ideas and writings.
3. I will definitely need to start my projects a decent amount of time before the due dates. After reviewing the requirements, I am fully aware of how work intensive these projects are and how heavily they affect my grade. I had time management issues my first semester of college, with of the clubs and Greek life that I involved myself with, therefore I will not let it happen again.
4. In high school, I took honors English all four years and truly enjoyed writing. However, choosing a science major, I did not have any courses that encouraged me to continue writing, unless it was a lab report. I am incredibly excited to refresh my memory and improve my writing skills this semester.
5. I don’t have any further questions regarding the four major projects, I understand the majority of what is required, I am just unclear on the things I mentioned previously.

After viewing Ben Macklin's and Joshua Martin's posts, I have a much better understanding on all four of the course projects that we will be doing. I also feel less insecure knowing that other people in this class are nervous to be using different genres that include videotaping and podcasting to present. I am excited to start our first course project for now I am much more comfortable and have a better idea of what is going on! 


  1. Dear Sofia,
    I had certainly never thought about how we are going to be expressing our ideas in different ways via video/audio. I would agree with you in that these projects are going to require a lot of time management skills. I am not sure if you are a procrastinator (like myself) but getting a head start on these projects is a necessity. There are, however, a few things that I am confused about. How have your four years of english prepared you for these projects? Do you think writing all of those essays is going to help you? Or will it keep you close minded as you begin these projects (in terms of structure and style)? Also, I do not know what you are scared/nervous about? Or perhaps your first question is saying that you are nervous because you don't know the answers to those questions? Nevertheless, great blog post.

  2. Interestingly, my and your blog posts about the course projects seem to be near opposites of one another (not a bad thing of course). You definitely seem more determined and scheduled than me, who leaves everything to the last minute, but everyone works in their own way. Furthermore, you talked about what you were nervous and interested about for each individual project rather than the whole. You're questions are valid, and I never really thought about the specifics of each of the projects like you have. If I had to suggest one thing, your blog post seemed clumped together since there was really any separation to the responses other than the corresponding numbers. If there was more white space in your post, I think it would look better, but nevertheless nice post.

  3. Hey, Sofia. Reading your blog post immediately writing mine showed me how many similarities some of the people in this class have. I too took advanced English and have not had the opportunity to express myself through these new mediums and excited to see how my previous skills and the ones we will acquire mold together and where this will all take us throughout the course. Even though you did not entirely explain it, I totally understand what you said considering I have a similar perspective. Good post!

